
Taking pretty photos is fun but preserving memories is what's real...

my drive


Sour gummy worms, cats, fancy food, and outdoor adventures... 

my Favorites


The Chad, my partner in life and photography...

My better half


My youth, art club, education, and inspiration...

How I got started


Photographer, thinker, cat lady, and a red head at heart. Lover of sour gummy worms, Star Trek, and milk (although I'm lactose intolerant). I believe in family, nature, and taking time to relax. Professional critic of Boston Creme donuts (not all are equal!).

Meet Jackelynn

My interest in art started with my mom who decorated our bedrooms with our favorite characters, way before the days of wall stickers, I had my favorite care bears and Disney characters on my walls. I watched her carefully trace and fill the shapes in and loved every second of it copying her technique with my color books always staying in the lines.  It was my dad who taught me to be free with art coloring outside the lines and using whatever colors he liked! Their support inspired me to continue drawing, then painting and sculpting.  In high school I held my first real camera and rolled and developed my own film.  My mom encouraged me to continue art education into college (in lieu of my other ideas of law and teaching).  I graduated with my Bachelor's in Fine Art in 2009 from SIUe and hosted my own art exhibition to complete the degree.

After graduating I started my career as a corporate graphic designer and although I was working in my chosen field felt restless. While a guest at a friend's wedding I got to know her photographer he offered me an apprenticeship and I started on this new chapter. I loved wedding photography - the details, the emotions, and the high I felt after a day surrounded by so many happy people.  Then my corporate employer offered me a job on the East Coast so I took it leaving the photography job behind but I wanted to know what the East Coast could offer.

I launched my company in March 2014 in Connecticut because I still wanted to take photos for people.  I loved it.  Launching my own company allowed me to find my style, to relearn technique and figured out what fired me up. Working with East Coast couples taught me about different wedding styles, the demands and needs that are there, and allowed me to hone in on what I could offer and how to serve my people better.

How I got started

Chad and I met 1 month after I moved back to St. Louis in 2016.  He worked across the aisle from me at my corporate job.  My first impressions was he has a great job (web developer), must be smart, and was kinda funny.  Our relationship grew slow and I really love that about us.  After a few months of seeing each other he expressed interest in my photography company and for some reason I just jumped on that invitation of interest and then invited him to shoot with me.  30 weddings later and he is my go-to second shooter, his talent amazes me, and a dream of having a partner in life and my passion just sets my heart on fire. 

Chad is an adventurer, outdoorsy national park lover, expert cat petter, and video game enthusiast. He is a fan of Star Wars, Food shows, and the idea of having a sports car as a third car.  He is a reformed Camaro and buckle jeans owner.  He believes in freedom, planning for the future, and taking time for tea.  Chad has a lot of opinions about bakery items, especially desserts, due to having a mother who bakes often (and from scratch!). He has recently taken a liking for fancy Bourbons and whiskeys so any suggestions you have for me, I'll take!

About Chad, my better half

Chad's portfolio

Sour Gummy Worms

My Favorites

When I get a bag of gummy worms I can't stop! I eat a bag so quickly I have to set limits to when I allow myself to have them so anytime we go to the movies, go on trips, or for my Christmas stocking I get a bag and it truly is a highlight for me!

Red Bull

Although I love coffee Red Bull is my go-to when I need a boost and when I get one I drink it fast so I typically buy the 20 oz cans.  I know they aren't great for you so I limit myself to only every now and then and Chad knows its a treat for me.

Swedish Horses

My best friend from childhood's mother is from Sweden.  It became tradition that when they went on trips to visit family they would bring me back a Dala Hest, the red painted horses traditional in Sweden.  You will find them tucked away around my house and office and I always want to buy more!

My cats, Hugo & Boss

My tuxedo wearing kitty and his sister all in black light up my (and Chad's) world.  We cannot get enough of their expressive meows, loud purs, warm cuddles, and cute little paws. 

Leopard print

Although I'm not bold enough to wear all the things leopard I see in stores (cozy jackets and long dresses) I do love having it as the liner of my purses and the print on my boots. 


Since taking a course in typography while in college ampersands have been my favorite type character.  I love how they look in prints, paper weights, and jewelry.  This is another item you'll find around my office but I haven't let overflow into the rest of the house.

Sour Gummy Worms

When I get a bag of gummy worms I can't stop! I eat a bag so quickly I have to set limits to when I allow myself to have them so anytime we go to the movies, go on trips, or for my Christmas stocking I get a bag and it truly is a highlight for me!

Red Bull

Although I love coffee Red Bull is my go-to when I need a boost and when I get one I drink it fast so I typically buy the 20 oz cans.  I know they aren't great for you so I limit myself to only every now and then and Chad knows its a treat for me.

Swedish Horses

My best friend from childhood's mother is from Sweden.  It became tradition that when they went on trips to visit family they would bring me back a Dala Hest, the red painted horses traditional in Sweden.  You will find them tucked away around my house and office and I always want to buy more!

My cats, Hugo & Boss

My tuxedo wearing kitty and his sister all in black light up my (and Chad's) world. We cannot get enough of their expressive meows, loud purs, warm cuddles, and cute little paws. 

Leopard print

Although I'm not bold enough to wear all the things leopard I see in stores (cozy jackets and long dresses) I do love having it as the liner of my purses and the print on my boots. 


Since taking a course in typography while in college ampersands have been my favorite type character.  I love how they look in prints, paper weights, and jewelry.  This is another item you'll find around my office but I haven't let overflow into the rest of the house.

My Favorites

Photography began as a creative outlet for me but as I get older and become invested in so many people's stories it has become a part of my life and drive.  The idea of preserving all the wonderful moments in the couples and families that hire me, preserving my own life's moments in traveling, nights out, and family events, and looking back on those snippets in time.  As I grow older the idea that time is fleeting feels so real and I have grown to appreciate looking back on snapshots from the past, especially ones with people I can no longer share moments with. 

My father died suddenly when I was 16 years old and although I knew my life was altered I didn't know how much the loss of him would impact me until I started to grow into my own. The big moments he missed and will miss makes my heart feel tight but looking at photos of us living together brings me so much joy.  Knowing my job can bring that same joy to people as their lives change fires me up.  Knowing the images I take can bring people back to those times in their lives when they were at their happiest inspires me to keep working hard and striving to serve them better.

The last family photo we have with my dad was taken at my oldest brother's wedding and although I look awkward with weird bangs and baby weight... I remember how we laughed when my dad disappeared from the church and how we had to take the family photo at the park instead, how the colors in the trees were a rich orange and how proud my dad was that his son was marrying such an amazing woman, how although the budget didn't allow it he disappeared to go to the grocery store to buy champagne for each of the guests tables because he wanted everyone to be able to toast the bride and groom.  This memory fires me up and gives me energy to work a 12 hour wedding day (from getting ready to leave to arriving home), inspires me to keep a timeline and make sure everyone is in the photos with shot-lists and timelines, and brings a tear to my eye when parent dances are played at the reception. 

My drive

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let's do this.

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